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The NYIMC 2024 welcomes musicians worldwide to participate in classical categories such as Piano, Strings, Voice, Woodwinds, Brasswinds and Chamber Music. No age restrictions apply, ensuring inclusivity for all aspiring artists.



Chamber Music


Double bass


French Horn







Piano Four Hands










Little Stars: Born in 2017 or later / Maximum recording time: 7 minutes

Rising Talents: Born in 2016 or 2015 / Maximum recording time: 7 minutes

Young Artists I: Born in 2014 or 2013 / Maximum recording time: 10 minutes

Young Artists II: Born in 2012 or 2011 / Maximum recording time: 10 minutes

Junior Division I: Born in 2010 or 2009 / Maximum recording time: 12 minutes

Junior Division II: Born in 2008 or 2007 / Maximum recording time: 12 minutes

Intermediate Level: Born in 2006 or 2005 / Maximum recording time: 15 minutes

Advanced Level I: Born in 2004 or 2003 / Maximum recording time: 15 minutes

Advanced Level II: Born in 2002 or 2001 / Maximum recording time: 15 minutes

Master Division I: Born in 2000 or 1999 / Maximum recording time: 20 minutes

Master Division II: Born in 1998 or 1997 / Maximum recording time: 20 minutes

Professional Level: Born in 1996 or earlier /Maximum recording time: 20 minutes

For Chamber Music submissions, the category is determined based on the average age of the ensemble members. For instance, if Member 1 was born in 1996, Member 2 in 1994, and Member 3 in 2001, the average year would be 1997. The ensemble would then be categorized as Master A based on this average age.

Application Deadline: May 5th, 2024

No application fees REQUIRED


The regulations for The NYIMC 2024 are as follows:

Application Deadline: May 5th, 2024
Results Announcement: Starting May 25th, 2024

Article 1: Competition Organization

The World Classical Music Forum is the organizer of The New York International Music Competition Online 2024 (hereinafter referred to as the competition), which is conducted exclusively online.

Article 2: Evaluation Criteria

The competition is open to participants of all nationalities with categories based on age groups. Contestants will be assessed solely based on their submitted recordings.

Article 3: Single Round Competition

The New York International Music Competition (NYIMC) consists of a single round of performance for all participants. Each contestant will have the opportunity to present their musical skills and talent in one round of the competition. This format allows for a focused and comprehensive evaluation of each participant’s abilities within a single performance setting.

Article 4: Free Participation

4.1. The NYIMC takes pride in offering a remarkable musical experience completely free of charge. We prioritize equal access to quality musical opportunities by eliminating any registration or participation fees. Our goal is to foster musical excellence globally, providing gifted musicians worldwide the platform to showcase their talents without financial constraints, thus promoting diversity, inclusion, and universal access to high-level music education.

Article 5: Repertoire Guidelines

Participants have the freedom to choose one or more pieces from the baroque, classical, romantic, or contemporary periods. Performances can be solo, with piano accompaniment, or with orchestra. The total duration of the video recording is restricted according to the following time limits:

  • Little Stars: Born in 2017 or later / Maximum recording time: 7 minutes
  • Rising Talents: Born in 2016 or 2015 / Maximum recording time: 7 minutes
  • Young Artists I: Born in 2014 or 2013 / Maximum recording time: 10 minutes
  • Young Artists II: Born in 2012 or 2011 / Maximum recording time: 10 minutes
  • Junior Division I: Born in 2010 or 2009 / Maximum recording time: 12 minutes
  • Junior Division II: Born in 2008 or 2007 / Maximum recording time: 12 minutes
  • Intermediate Level: Born in 2006 or 2005 / Maximum recording time: 15 minutes
  • Advanced Level I: Born in 2004 or 2003 / Maximum recording time: 15 minutes
  • Advanced Level II: Born in 2002 or 2001 / Maximum recording time: 15 minutes
  • Master Division I: Born in 2000 or 1999 / Maximum recording time: 20 minutes
  • Master Division II: Born in 1998 or 1997 / Maximum recording time: 20 minutes
  • Professional Level: Born in 1996 or earlier / Maximum recording time: 20 minutes

Article 6: Recording Guidelines

All video recordings (audio not accepted) must be performed by the applicants without any editing or added effects. It is important to ensure that recording quality is clear to facilitate the jury’s review process; avoid distortion and ensure that accompanying music does not overpower the applicant’s performance. While video quality will not impact evaluation, clarity in both audio and video is essential. When submitting the Application Form, include the piece(s) in the format: name of the piece, composer’s name, and duration. Videos must be accessible online, and download links will not be accepted.

Article 7: Time Limit Enforcement

If the submitted video exceeds the specified time limits outlined in the rules, the jury will evaluate only up to the designated time limit for each category. The duration of the performance excludes any applause or stage entrances/exits.

Article 8: Registration Process

Registration is exclusively conducted through electronic means. Upon visiting the website, competitors must provide the following:

  • A completed Online Application form in English
  • A YouTube or Vimeo link to their performance

Article 9: Remuneration Waiver

By participating in the competition, competitors waive any rights to financial compensation for the publication and distribution of their music video recordings on CD, DVD, or the Internet.

Article 10: Jury Evaluation

A minimum of three qualified judges will evaluate the audition materials. The jury’s decisions and comments are anonymous, final, and irrevocable, guided by special rules governing their work.

Article 11: Qualification Criteria

Competitors are categorized based on the average evaluation points awarded by the Jury:

  • GRAND PRIZE: Awarded to competitors who achieve at least 99/100 points
  • FIRST PRIZE: Awarded to competitors who achieve at least 94/100 points
  • SECOND PRIZE: Awarded to competitors who achieve at least 87/100 points
  • THIRD PRIZE: Awarded to competitors who achieve at least 80/100 points
  • FOURTH PRIZE: Awarded to competitors who achieve at least 73/100 points
  • FIFTH PRIZE: Awarded to competitors who achieve at least 68 /100 points
  • SPECIAL MENTION: Awarded to competitors who achieve at least 60 /100 points
  • HONORARY MENTION: Awarded to competitors who achieve at least 50/100 points

The number of awards (prizes) is limited but can be shared if multiple contestants achieve the same score.

Article 12: Absolute Winners and Final Decisions

Competitors who achieve 99/100 points will be recognized as the Absolute Winner(s) and will receive the “New York International Music Competition 2024” Diploma. The Absolute Winners will have their picture and biography featured on the website as “The Winners of New York International Music Competition Grand Prize” and will also receive a complimentary special diploma. In the event that multiple soloists in the same category achieve the same score, preference will be given to the younger competitor. For contestants across different categories with tied scores, the final decision on placement will be determined by the Jury.

Article 13: Evaluation and Jury Decisions

Prizes will be awarded solely based on the submitted recordings. Competitors are not entitled to raise objections regarding the composition or decisions of the Jury.

Article 14: Prize Fund

  • Absolute Winners will receive an E-Certificate.
  • Teachers and accompanists of the Absolute Winners can request a certificate for their portfolio.
  • Special awards, known as “The NYIMC2024 Grand Prize,” will be given to contestants earning a total score of 100 points. Solo contestants will receive a cash award of $500/person, and ensemble contestants will receive $1000/group.
  • A selected group of winners will have the opportunity to participate in the NYIMC Online Concert Series 2024.
  • Absolute Winners’ pictures and biographies will be published on the website under the title “The Winner of the New York International Music Competition Grand Prize 2024.”
  • We will provide special acknowledgment to select 1st Place winning videos posted on THE CLASSICAL MUSIC Magazine Website, YouTube channel (winners’ highlights video), and Facebook & Instagram.
  • Esteemed Jury Members are offering scholarships for private Master Classes to select winners.

Article 15: Certificate Options

While participation in the competition is free of charge, participants have the option to receive a certificate via email in E-Certificate format for a fee of $85. Alternatively, if you prefer to receive the certificate through conventional mail, the cost will be $150.

Article 16: Feedback Option

participants have the opportunity to receive feedback from the jury by paying a fee of $77. This feedback offers valuable insights and constructive criticism to assist young participants in enhancing their performance and skills.

Article 17: Recommendation Letter Option

Young music students who have been awarded a first prize have the option to receive a recommendation letter by paying a fee of $75. This letter serves as a valuable endorsement and can be beneficial for future opportunities and endeavors.

No application fees REQUIRED